Shine by design | Human Design based Marketing

Shine by Design


An adventurous marketing journey
based on your Human Design

I love supporting you

to express your essence,

to sink deeper into the direction

that’s truly yours – – and to let go of

the things that have little to do with you.

what is · YOUR · way?

There’s no single book or course that can successfully tell you what you ‘should do’ marketing-wise. We all have a unique way of expressing ourselves and thus, marketing ourselves.

And it goes beyond expression. Every single business decision impacts our marketing. Even the way we approach our life either decreases or increases the strength of our ‘marketing light’.

This journey all about stepping out of the generic business ways full of ‘shoulds’ and ‘success formulas’. It’s about creating a life and business that is your own, with marketing as its natural byproduct.

Human Design based Marketing

Your chart will help us to challenge and break down some deep-held beliefs you hold about how you ‘should express’ yourself and how you ‘should run’ your business.


And with the help of your Strategy, Authority + Motivation, marketing and business decisions can become simple. Not easy though. Surrendering to the wisdom of your inner guidance can be incredibly challenging for the mind.


Over the years, I’ve developed my own way of working with Human Design that brings the mind and the body together. I love working with the doubts, stories and mental tricks of the mind because I know how much liberation it can bring when their grip starts loosening. And I love bringing your chart alive, by letting it speak to your most pressing questions.


Very important: your chart is not ‘the truth’ – it’s a map that can potentially lead us to your truth. It’s a tool, not the end station.


I use it in a way to strengthen the deep knowingness that already lives within you.

Stepping in the unknown

This journey isn’t about fixing anything.

It’s about being curious and about opening the door to new ways of seeing and being. It’s about a deep relaxation in the ways of ‘doing’ business and marketing that are truly your own.

Are you open to letting yourself be surprised by new (and potentially uncomfortable) possibilities?

Most of all, this journey is about anchoring into your essence. In my world, this is the best and most overlooked marketing recipe.


✺ Preferably: you already know the basics of your Human Design chart

✺ You feel pulled to live your Human Design and step more out of your mind

✺ You’re excited to find answers you didn’t know you were looking for

Quite happy with your marketing, but still feel a pull to work with me?

You are welcome to knock on my door. This might be you if you have no problem with getting results, but you are getting drained in the process. I can support you in reaching a more holistic version of success, where your well-being is also included.

This is a new setup.
If you have questions about it,
feel free to reach out to me.

Shine by Design
a 2-month journey

consisting of 4 sessions:

✺ 2x: bringing your Human Design chart alive

✺ 2x: applying your design to your business and marketing

– where your light shines the strongest
– how you’re uniquely designed to communicate
– the marketing traps you’re most likely to fall for based on your chart
– the art of running your business based on your inner Authority, signature & Motivation

Between each of the sessions, there’s a set moment where you can reach out to me with reflections and questions.

4 sessions of 1,5 hours + in-between support
price: €1500

Payment plans are available. Prefer a shorter trajectory? I got the Human Design empowerment session for you.

Welcoming Session
Before you start, I invite you to book a Welcoming Session. This session is meant for both of us to see if we’re the right fit for each other. You’re welcome to bring in your intention and wishes, and I will bring my energy and a first taste of my approach.

45min | Price: €75 (if you decide to step into the journey, this will be deducted from the total price)

Rachel Raspberry

“The deep sense of permission and spaciousness that Ayla offered was like medicine for my soul. The organic way that she wove my natal astrology and human design into our conversations felt so validating and empowering for me.


She wasn’t just telling me about myself based on what she saw in my charts, but rather as I expressed myself (and my concerns, and desires) she would often respond by shining a light on my unique design. Not only did it feel so beautiful to be seen and understood in such a profound way, but it was also incredibly validating and has inspired me to dive even deeper into understanding my human design.


I could feel the depth of her impact (still do!) and my relationship with myself and my conscious business has been magnificently transformed through the time we spent together.”

Dave Kahn

“Ayla came into my life at a critical point in time when I was about to make a very serious decision with my business. From the first email exchange, there was a spaciousness, sparkle and curiosity in her words that drew me in. Hindsight is 20/20. Only now do I realize that I was about to drive myself into an unnecessarily difficult and outdated exploration of business and after two sessions with Ayla, my approach to business was course-corrected and aligned with deep passion and excitement.


She helped to navigate an authentic, simple and direct pathway to explore business. It was a relief to finally hear that I didn’t have to do things anyone else’s way or listen to any of the ridiculous e-business hype that is so common out there.


Her work is not easy. For those who are prepared to meet life and business with 100% of their being, Ayla is for you.”