Calling Journey Bonus Page
Hi you 🌞
Calling is a deep thing.
That’s why I called this a journey.
Don’t beat yourself up for not finding your calling yet. Just like in the Lord of the Rings or any other hero’s journey, there are trials and tribulations.
On this bonus page, you will find 4 things:
❧ ONE – Video: How do I know something is my calling?
❧ TWO – Video: The link between calling & pain
How do I know if something is my calling?
Calling and Pain
This is a 6 minute video. Use the arrows on the right to go to the next part in the video.
–> Now, look again at the feeling words that resonated most strongly with you – your ‘yes pile’.
–> Did one of these words cause resistance in you?
–> Did you repress one of those feelings strongly in your life?
If yes, that’s a strong indicator that this feeling word either is your calling, or at least comes close to it.
Give yourself some time to acknowledge your own pain of (probably) not being fully received and seen as a kid. This might give you already more clarity about your calling.