Decode your Human Design chart

Type, Centers, Strategy, Authority and Profile – the best resources

Welcome. I created this list of resources a few years ago when I was at the beginning stages of my own Human Design journey and couldn’t find a good overview online. 

To inform you: I’m currently (slowly) updating the resources to have them align with my new standards. As an emotional being, I’m not rushing myself.

My invitation to you is to let your body guide you through this page.

Enjoy ♡

PS Are you a (Manifesting) Generator? I’ve just released a website full of experiential Human Design resources from Mary Ann Winiger, a Generator who’s been living her experiment for almost 30 years now. Want to check it out? It’s here 


Not all chart makers are created equally, here’s an overview:

YOU WANT A CLEAN + CLEAR OVERVIEW – Jovian Archive gives you the perfect overview with all the information you need on one page. After creating a chart, you can easily save it on your computer or phone.

YOU WANT EXPLANATION – At, you’ll immediately get a free explanation of the main elements of your chart.

YOU WANT ALL THE DETAILS – Are you someone who uses Human Design professionally? Maia Mechanics offers several accessible subscriptions that allow you to look into more advanced chart information. This is the software I use myself. I love their design, their interactive elements (move with your cursor over a center and you’ll see it), and the fact that their charts are reliable.


extra notes


YOU’RE INTO APPS – Personally, I use my Human Design apps to check the transits and how they interact with my chart. The Human Design App gives you a simple option to do so for a low and one-time payment. If you’re not sure about the birth time, they also have a phenomenal tool to check how the chart would look a few minutes or hours later. A new and very elaborate HD app that’s on the market is Neutrino Design (android/apple). I’ve only used it for a short time but it seems to be legit. They offer monthly subscriptions.

CHART SOFTWARE I DON’T RECOMMEND – I started out using Genetix Matrix, but switched when I learned that a small number of their charts are calculated incorrectly. This information is too important to ‘gamble’ with. Another well-known chart calculator I don’t recommend is the one from Jenna Zoe, because she has twisted the Human Design system into something that goes against the essence of the system. Please know that this is my personal view and experience and, of course, your inner authority is the end boss here.

Understanding your Human Design TYPE

In the beginning, I completely overlooked the importance of Type.

I couldn’t see how something I shared with 30% of the world (being a Manifesting Generator) could be that special.

I had been into personality typology systems for a decade, and I assumed that Human Design fell into that category. Wrong!

Unlike typology systems, Human Design shows us how we (best) operate on an energetic and practical day-to-day level. And I’d like to share with you what took me 6 years to fully realize:

It’s not the label of our Type that makes us special – it’s living our Type that allows our uniqueness to flower.

I’m a Manifesting Generator   30%

The biggest difference between you and the Generator is that you can move quicker, but you both share the same essence. For both of you, success doesn’t come from initiating, instead, it’s all about waiting for the right things to come to you. Your gut response (and authority) will show you whether those things are meant for you or not.

Read what it means to be a Manifesting Generator

A transformational book for Manifesting Generators

And read this article for a more in-depth exploration of the Manifesting Generator

I’m a Generator  36%

You have tremendous sustainable energy. Of all types, you have the biggest potential for mastery. And when you wait till the right opportunities pass by to respond to, you can have anbeautifully satisfying life.

Read what it means to be a Generator

And here’s your Generator deep dive

A transformational book for Generators

I’m a Projector  22%

You are a master of observation, and your observations can be very valuable for the other Types. As a Projector, you have less energy than the (Manifesting) Generators, but please don’t judge yourself for it. Your depth and guiding qualities have at least as much value as “doing things”, it’s just society that has to catch up with that.

Read what it means to be a Projector

I’m a Manifestor  10%

Mover & shaker! You have the energy to start things, unlike the other Types. Which by the way doesn’t mean you are a great finisher. You have a unique ability to know which ideas and projects need to be brought into this world. But don’t forget to rest in between, because your creative energy comes in bursts.

Read this Manifestor wake-up call

A beautiful 7min introduction video about the Manifestor (speaker: Alokanand Diaz, a deep HD expert who is a Manifestor himself)

I’m a Reflector  1.5%

You are the wise elder. With the reflection of all your open centers, you are a beautiful barometer for society and the people around you. Your identity is fluid, and you’ll need to take the time to make your decisions. Choose your relationships and environment wisely, because they have a lot of impact on your well-being.

Read what it means to be a Reflector


Next, let’s proceed with the CENTERS

Centers are the secret to true understanding of your chart. They are the building blocks. They show you what you’re uniquely sensitive to (undefined Centers), and what energies you are sending out in this world (defined Centers).

Take your chart and look at all the centers (squares and triangles) that are colored in.

Those are your defined centers. The color itself is irrelevant, but the fact that they are colored in is super relevant. Now, go (back) to the blog I mentioned above, and specifically read up on the defined centers you have.

❧ The defined centers are a constant in your life. They are always ‘turned on’, so you always have access to the specific qualities of that center.

❧ All the white (undefined) centers in your profile will only be ‘turned on’ when you are in contact with others or with specific planetary transits. This means cannot reliably count on this energy. These are the places where you generally pick up the most conditioning.

❧ In general, the more centers are colored in, the more ‘fixed’ you will be as a person, and the more centers are white and undefined, the more fluid you will be. There’s no good or bad, we need both.

Wanna go deeper into the Human Design centers…?

On this website, you’ll find a short description of every single center including a video.


Up next: one of the most important parts, your Human Design STRATEGY

This has been the hardest parts of Human Design to tackle for me, and also one of the most rewarding. Every Type has a different Strategy. Your Strategy is all about how to approach life in a way that brings flow instead of friction.

For many people, their Strategy feels counterintuitive at first, and brings up resistance.

Nobody told us we have strategies that might differ wildly from the ones our parents have. We live in a culture that tells us everybody works the same: “if you want something, go get it”. This is truly ironic, because in Human Design, 90% of us are absolutely not meant to “go get things”.

Important note: your Strategy only works when you use it in combination with your Authority – see next section 5.

Waiting to Respond

No pushing is needed. No initiating is needed – it won’t work. Responding means that your aura is made to pull things in so that your gut can respond to them. The question is not: does your mind wants it, but do you feel pulled towards it? That’s a yes. Do you feel a physical contraction – or do you hear a doubt in your words? That’s a no. It’s a visceral feeling, not a story. The video below gives a beautiful introduction to the gut response, and this article is for those who have a hard time feeling their sacral response.

Waiting for the Invitation

For all the big things in life – career, moving, love – Projectors are meant to wait for an invitation to do so. This can be really challenging in a world that encourages people to go out and make things happen. That’s why I encourage all Projectors who are new to Human Design to connect with fellow Projectors who are successfully living their Strategy, so your being can start to trust this weird-sounding but oh so effective Strategy.

Watch the video below from Projector Laveena Archers for a true deep dive on invitations and everything Projector. Want to get really practical? Sam Zagar has a (paid, affordable) video on the nitty-gritty aspects of what a real invitation looks like.

To Inform

Informing simply means ‘telling others what you are about to do’ or ‘sharing what you feel right now’. As a Manifestor, you and your aura are making a big impact. If this impact comes unannounced, it can bring up a lot of resistance in others around you.

Informing is not something that comes naturally to Manifestors, and many of them are afraid to be controlled by others when they use their strategy. However, the opposite is true.

When you inform, instead of resisting you, people are way more likely to support you. This means that transparency is a great recipe for you, it allows you to be the mover and shaker that you are, but in peace.

I like this video because 5 different Manifestors tell about their experience with Informing. 

Wait a Lunar Cycle

This is probably the weirdest sounding strategy: waiting a full month before making any (major) decision in life. Since all your centers are open, you don’t have a reliable energy hub to always fall back onto. The planets and people around you will temporarily switch certain centers off and on, and this can be a huge potential source of wisdom for you. The moon is especially valuable to you, because it will go through all the 64 gates within one month (approximately 3 a day). But yes, it takes some time to be able to integrate the wisdom from all those temporary activations, and that’s why patience is key for you.


AUTHORITY – our guide for decisions in life

Authority is all about the best way we can make decisions. Decisions are always made from the body, and never from the mind. The mind is only here to help others.

Strategy and Authority are a couple, please don’t divorce them :). They really need each other. And for the best marriage, also add the understanding of your Type.

Sacral Authority   your gut knows

If you have Sacral Authority, your Strategy and Authority are very much alike. You’re built to make in-the-moment gut decisions, and do the things you’re pulled towards – often without fully mentally knowing why. For a quick way to clarity, let others ask you yes/no questions.


Emotional Authority  wait, baby

For most of my life, I’ve held the belief that I should respond quickly to questions, proposals and (Whatsapp) messages. Human Design put all of that upside down. I have emotional authority, which means I’m not built to decide in the moment, but to sleep at least one night over decisions. Practicing now, and it feels so much better than rushing myself! If you want to go more in-depth, read this interview about Emotional Authority.


Splenic Authority   trust your intuition

Splenic authority is all about trusting your instinct and intuition. The spleen is the most ancient center, it helps us to survive in the here and now and bring us more well-being. Your best decisions are lightning-quick, based on the subtle signals of the spleen.

Ego Authority do what you truly want

In your case, being selfish is actually a good thing. When there’s a decision to make, check what’s in it for you. Feel into your heart region whether your willpower will be available when you go in this direction or not. When you do what YOU want, everyone else will benefit from it. Here’s a short video for those with ego-manifested authority. And this one is for the ego-projected authority.


Self-Projected Authority talk things out

You will learn what is the best thing to do for you in the act of speaking / expressing yourself. Find yourself some good sounding boards (people) who you can speak to without them trying to give you all kinds of advice. Expressing yourself is your sacred way to connect to your inner knowing and compass. PS this is a beautiful instagram post about Self-Projected Authority.


Outer / Environmental Authority tuning into your environment & voice

Being in the right place with the right people is crucial for you to make the right decisions. Why? With all your openness, you will base your decision on different energy samplings you take from the people around you. Eventually, you will find something that feels correct from all the different angles. This instagram video from Ra explains it beautifully, and this 12min audio from Mental Projector Amy Lea is also very insightful. Want a true deep dive? I can recommend this conversation between two Mental Projectors where they go into the practical reality of having a process-based authority (as they call it).


Lunar Authority   wait a lunar cycle

If you have a great resource for this authority (an article, video or podcast), let me know! I didn’t find it yet.


Human Design PROFILE – the role we’re playing in the game of life

This is a really fun and insightful part to read. Your profile tells you a lot about your character, the ‘costume’ you wear during your life. Here’s a great introductory article about profile.

Every profile number is clickable, and will lead you to the text about your specific profile.

all profile texts derived from the introductory book Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be by Chetan Parkyn


Human Design BOOKS

Ready to dive deeper? I created a list with my favorite Human Design books. When you click on the link, you’ll be immediately led to the pdf. No need to leave your email address, it’s freely given.

you’ve made it!

Since you made it all the way here, I might as well share a few of my own most valuable Human Design insights.



❧ It’s easy to get lost in a sea of Human Design information and complexity. It’s hard to believe for the mind, but the most valuable information can be found at the surface: Type, Strategy, Authority, and conditioning awareness. This is the information that has the ability to transform your life when you truly experiment with it.

❧ Becoming ourselves takes time. The need for shortcuts will almost always come from the mind. (according to Ra Uru Hu, the Human Design founder, it takes 7 years to free yourself from old conditioning)

❧ We can’t enforce the timing of our transformation. One person might jump fully into their Strategy and Authority from day one after their reading, the other might gradually slide into it over several years (that’s me). You don’t have to work on changing yourself, it’s your awareness that will set an organic change into motion.



If you are interested in my guidance, I intertwine Human Design with business & marketing. Here’s more info. In-depth, embodied, and to the point are the keywords for my sessions.

If you have any suggestions for great resources, please mail them to me via